Bored Club Canada
Canada’s most influential association of NFT Collectors

Member Privileges
Here are some of the benefits our members enjoy
Real-life Events
Private Discord Server
Licensing opportunities
NFT Alpha & Mint WL
Exclusive Club Merchandise
Worldwide Membership

Looking to license a Bored Ape or a Mutant?
- We are strongly creative.
- Do you have a special project or concept and want to license the intellectual property of a Bored Ape or Mutant? We have multiple options available and can help you make a deal with one of our members.
The Bored Team

Hello & Welcome!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit lacus, a iaculis diam.

Nice to meet!
Curabitur augue, nec finibus mauris pretium eu. Duis placerat ex gravida nibh tristique porta.

Whats Up!
Adipiscing elit curabitur eu adipiscing lacus eu adipiscing lacus, a iaculis diam.
Our Sponsors
The boring companies we love.
ISM Toys
Ox Society
Blockchain Futurist Conference
Want to join the Club?
Let’s talk about your boring idea.